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Transform nightmares and dream disturbances for healing, insight, and personal growth

Lucid Dreaming Therapy: Service

Lucid Dreaming Therapy (LDT) and Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT) are powerful approaches for addressing nightmares and dream-related disturbances.

Imagery Rehearsal Therapy is the first-line treatment for nightmares. It helps individuals mentally rehearse new, positive dream outcomes while awake—reducing distressing nightmares over time.


As a trainable skill and scientifically verifiable phenomenon during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, lucid dreaming occurs when an individual recognizes they are dreaming while still in the dream state. This awareness allows for increased psychological flexibility, enabling the dreamer to recalibrate responses to distressing content.  Lucid dreaming is not about controlling your dreams—rather, it is about exercising your creativity and exploring how mindset shapes perception and reality.  


Lucid dreaming therapy is designed for those interested in lucid dreaming and its applications for mental health and enhancing well-being. In therapy it may be used for: 

• Nightmare treatment, including PTSD-related nightmares

• Recurrent sleep paralysis distress

• Affective disorders, such as depression and trauma-related conditions
• Dream re-enactment behavior, or REM Behavior Disorder


Lucid dreaming therapy centers on the practice lucid and is different from traditional dream interpretation.  The philosophy developing behind lucid dreaming therapy is derived from modern psychology and scientific research, as well as Eastern influences, such as mindfulness and Tibetan Buddhist Dream Yoga. You do not need prior lucid dreaming experience to benefit from LDT.  While individuals with high dream recall and vivid dreams may find it easier to induce lucid dreams, inducing a lucid dream is not necessary to benefit from Lucid Dreaming Therapy. Much of the therapeutic value comes from the process of preparing for and later integrating dream experiences within the therapy session


Dr. LaMarca is an expert in nightmare treatment and lucid dreaming applications in psychotherapy. She has been practicing lucid dreaming since 2005, collaborating with the Lucidity Institute on scientific research and training workshops. In addition to her clinical work, she offers consultation, workshops, and training for those exploring lucid dreaming for personal development. She also offers continuing education (CE) trainings for therapists who wish to integrate lucid dreaming therapy into their practice.

Lucid Dreaming Therapy: Text

Lucidity Institute: Information, articles, and research on lucid dreaming.  Visit, or see Frequently Asked Questions.
Learn to Lucid Dream: Powerful Techniques for Awakening Creativity and Consciousness (2019), by Kristen LaMarca PhD.  A short, methodical introduction to both the science and spirituality of dreaming.  Includes step-by-step techniques, accounts, and a 24-hour practice sequence.
Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming (1990), by Stephen LaBerge and Howard Rheingold. Classic how-to guide on lucid dreaming available on  A concise guide to lucid dreaming is also available with audio cd exercises.
Overcoming Nightmares: Excerpt from Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming about how to use lucidity to transform nightmares, reconcile inner conflicts, and foster self-integration.
Mindful Lucid Dreaming: Education, training, and blogposts by Dr LaMarca on lucid dreaming from psychological, scientific, and personal perspectives.  Visit

Continuing Education: Trainings for psychotherapists on sleep, dream, and mental health topics. Visit:

Lucid Dreaming Therapy: Text
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